direct action

Direct action and you – New Zealand fathers have been politely asking for a fair go from government for a number of years now with no real improvements or changes for non-custodial fathers. The time for polite conversation is over and we now raise our voices together for change.

Fathers continue to call for a number of amendments to legislation to provide mandatory rights of access and 50/50 shared care for our children, low cost and  balanced family focused decisions from the courts, together with more equatable outcomes from government which so far have gone pretty much unnoticed. 


We are taking a number of issues onto the streets to raise public awareness;

  • Lack of recognized rights as a father, limited or no child access on separation
  • Ever increasing costs of spousal support dressed up as child support
  • False allegations of abuse without penalties
  • High costs associated with the family court

The NZBF with your support is committed to visiting all of our political representatives so they can hear our message in person, voices united that will turn our whisper for change into a roar.

The NZBF direct action program is ongoing around the country with teams seeking your support now. If you want to be involved in direct action contact us on Facebook and we can add you to a local team.


All members of the public are invited to take part in the peaceful and legal public protests.

Change is coming!